Lisa is a valuable support to our operations team, helping ensure your project applications proceed smoothly.
Team: Admin
Holly Ensor
Holly’s all-round administrative skills are invaluable in her role.
Georgie Cox
The critical and multi-pronged role of human resources legal and compliance is capably managed for MARKHAM UK by Georgie.
Jodie Gray
Jodie coordinates the financial aspects of the MARKHAM UK team. She brings 10 years’ experience to the role.
Holly Currie
Holly actively assists the MARKHAM administration team with systems operations and support.
Rebecca Smith
Rebecca covers accounts admin for the UK office. She is responsible for debtor management and all aspects of accounts administration.
Michelle Bennett
Michelle efficiently supports the accounts teams, ensuring smooth interaction with both clients and suppliers.
Finn Currie
Finn is responsible for all invoicing in New Zealand and Australia, completed projects, reporting and audits. He also oversees key aspects of our head office administration.
Venus Flaws
Venus joined the Napier head office after working in the Wellington film industry for the last 15 years. She enjoys her New Zealand and Australia accounts payable role and loves being a part of the MARKHAM team. She is looking forward to a long future with MARKHAM and settling into the relaxed lifestyle and warm […]
Manton Collings
Manton leads the Finance and Admin team for New Zealand and Australia and is passionate about quality financial information and using this to help stakeholders. Manton is a Chartered Accountant with over 15 years of experience in a wide variety of industries.