Newton St Off-Ramp
New Zealand
Project Type:
Civil / Infrastructure | Marine
Project Scale:
0 – 5,000 m²
MARKHAM recommended and installed AQURON 2000 penetrating hydrogel to protect the reinforcing steel on the Newton Street Off-Ramp against corrosion due to lower than desired cover on this road infrastructure.
Low cover is a threat to the durability of concrete; soluble contaminants can travel through a concrete matrix that is thinner than desired a lot quicker than full cover, due to moisture migration. This then causes corrosion of the reinforcing steel to progress a lot quicker than expected.
This corrosion is an expansive reaction, meaning the reinforcing steel swells in its place. The second impediment of low cover is that thin concrete over the reinforcing steel tends to be too weak to sustain this expansive pressure. Consequently, the structure cracks, and spalling/break-out follows, when sections of the concrete break off.
Read here how low concrete cover can be remediated, contamination prevented, and any corrosion underway halted with the use of hydrogel treatments.
The system used on the Newton St Off-Ramp is part of the CIVIL-TECT system. The system is tailored to the specific needs of different civil concrete infrastructure, increasing the service life of the concrete and putting the maintenance date further into the future.