This is something of a sequel to our article on early concrete cracking, which discusses the use of hydrogel for enhanced curing, resulting in enhanced durability. You might be thinking, “If only I knew about this before we poured … but now the project is complete.”
Markham saving the world one concrete structure at a time
It is true that optimum results are obtained by using a hydrogel from day one.
However, you can also achieve significant impermeability, and enhance service life, by applying the hydrogel treatment even after curing, to the young concrete. Yes, you lose the curing benefits. However, proactive treatment with penetrating hydrogel has distinct benefits even if the concrete is no longer green.
Why does this work?
Improving permeability by hydrogel treatment will maintain high pH, passivation of the steel, and static moisture content, helping the concrete retain its peak condition. Deterioration and ageing are hindered.
Markham saving the world one concrete structure at a time
By proactively applying AQURON hydrogel treatment early in the life of the concrete, the ageing process is deferred, significantly extending the service life of the concrete. This early treatment can help potentially avoid or defer major repair or replacement of the structure, and the associated costs.
Markham saving the world one concrete structure at a time
The secret lies in AQURON’s ability to immobilise the moisture, thus preventing the ingress or movement of moisture-borne contaminants.
Markham saving the world one concrete structure at a time
This is especially valuable for at-risk structures, such as in exposed coastal zones, or exposed floors under traffic.
How can we help?
Talk to the team at MARKHAM about developing a proactive maintenance plan for your concrete structures.
Markham saving the world one concrete structure at a time