8 Hepburn, Doncaster: car park protection





Project Type:

Apartments | Basements | Car Park

Project Scale:

0 – 5,000 m²

8 Hepburn: designer apartment car park

You know what’s really challenging for car park concrete? Cars.

Carbonation from exhaust fumes, and contamination brought in with wet tyres, can each contribute to premature deterioration of the concrete. Protection is essential!

At the designer apartments ‘8 Hepburn’ in Doncaster Victoria, MARKHAM applied AQURON 1000 to 3,000 m2 of car park and back-of-house concrete floors.

The application of AQURON 1000 is just one possible component of the INFRA-TECT® system, which safeguards exposed concrete structures like facades, car park columns, ceilings, and hardstands.

Maybe you don’t have a large commercial project, but would like to carry out protective works yourself? Consider CONQOR SEAL.

Concrete Products & Solutions used.

These related products and concrete solutions were used to protect the concrete of this project.

AQURON 1000 - Sustainable Concrete Sealer
INFRA-TECT durability treatment for exposed concrete

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