MAST Jetties: Stunning Scenery was a Bonus!
Project Type:
Civil / Infrastructure | Marine
Project Scale:
0 – 5,000 m²
A Variety of MAST Jetties around Tasmania
In 2016 AQURON treatments were applied to various jetties in Tasmania (under the auspices of MAST – Marine and Safety Tasmania) for concrete protection, durability and long-term service life enhancement.
The concrete of marine structures, particularly the ‘splash zone’, are always at risk. Chlorides in the seawater will penetrate into the porosity of the concrete, reach the reinforcing steel, and set up corrosion.
This is where AQURON hydrogel treatments are key for protection. By blocking up the porosity, waterproofing the concrete, the contaminants cannot enter or move about.
Our CIVIL-TECT® system is a comprehensive supply and apply approach which utilizes hydrogel treatments such as AQURON to preserve the service life of your structures.
Building new marine infrastructure? Consider CONQOR B52 hybrid hydrogel admixture for maximum protection from the first day.