An astounding 10 cubic kilometres of concrete are used globally every year!
Which is more important – short-term construction cost or long-term durability? That’s one of the dilemmas of the civil infrastructure industry, and concrete is a classic example. ‘Cutting corners’ may achieve the immediate requirements of the contractor and the client, but compromise the service life of some part of the finished building.
Concrete marine structures and bridges are examples of the paradox of cost versus durability. Under pressure from fluctuating environmental conditions, their concrete is particularly vulnerable.
It’s true that concrete is remarkably durable
Concrete is naturally durable, which is part of the reason it is used so extensively throughout the globe. But concrete is not absolutely invulnerable or indestructible.
Over time, like any base building material, it deteriorates and requires maintenance. Concrete needs protecting.
If we look into the ‘Why’ of concrete deterioration, we will find that moisture movement is a key underlying problem. Contaminants enter the concrete and move around within it, carried by moisture. Reactive substances can find their way into the concrete, triggering a cycle of breakdown of the concrete and corrosion of the rebar.
We understand it’s a challenge to find a solution for long-term durability that doesn’t add delays and significant cost to your programme.
AQURON 2000 and AQURON 7000 penetrating catalytic hydrogels are the advanced, cost-effective and rapid solution for protecting concrete. By the application of a catalytic silicate, a protective hydrogel is formed deep in the porosity of the concrete. This both prevents moisture-borne contamination entering the concrete, and arrests the movement of moisture within the concrete itself.
From an operational point of view, hydrogel treatment is trafficable about an hour after treatment. For new work, this is a great advantage in scheduling. For remediation works this means minimal downtime.
There are other benefits too –
…for example, hydrogel treatment is nil VOC, leaves the concrete with a natural appearance, and seals microcracks up to 0.5mm.
We’d like to talk to you in more detail about cost-effective protection systems for civil infrastructure. Why not get in touch today?