Concrete Curing: Investing Today for a Sustainable Future

Curing for both today and tomorrow

When it comes to the durability of concrete structures, a little investment during the design, construction, and curing phase can result in significant savings in the long run. Imagine preventing costly repairs and extensive damage by making the right choices from the very beginning!

The Law of Fives – Importance of Early Protection

According to the Law of Fives proposed by Professor Wolter Reinold de Sitter, each extra dollar spent in the initial phases of design, construction, and curing is equivalent to saving five dollars in corrosion initiation (Phase B), twenty-five dollars in propagating deterioration (Phase C), or a whopping one hundred and twenty-five dollars in advanced corrosion (Phase D).

However, it’s crucial to consider the long-term durability of concrete structures. If short-term cost-saving or time-saving becomes the primary focus during construction, the overall durability will inevitably suffer. Are all parties involved in Phase A genuinely interested in the structure’s survival at Phase D?

Benefits of Improved Curing Quality

This is where MARKHAM can offer valuable assistance. Our concrete curing solutions not only improve the quality of the curing process but also result in enhanced strength, reduced shrinkage cracking, and minimized concrete dusting. By investing in improved curing, you’re investing in long-term durability.

Concrete Hydrogels and Sustainable Solutions

Among our concrete hydrogel treatments, we offer solutions that provide not only superior concrete curing quality, but also permanent sealing, anti-dust hardening, and all-around concrete durability. These treatments are licensed to use the Eco Choice Aotearoa (ECNZ) envirolabel – a safe and sustainable choice recognized by GBCA and NZGBC. What’s more, our treatments comply with the moisture retention requirements of Australian Standards AS3799.

Keen to learn more?

We’re eager to discuss your concrete projects and address any questions you may have. Let’s ensure your structures stand the test of time. Contact us today and let’s start building a sustainable future together.

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