Biological Hazards!

How to protect concrete from harsh environmental attacks?

Concrete is a very versatile construction material, and as a result, is used in almost every working environment.

What happens when the environment isn’t healthy for the concrete?

Some working environments contain substances which are innately harmful to concrete, and actively accelerate the deterioration process. These include soil, sewage, food (particularly sugar and sweet liquids), agricultural chemicals, animal liquids (such as blood), or waste materials. Further, some moist environments are conducive to invasive plant and algal growth.
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These biological hazards frequently have a negative impact on the durability of the concrete, although the exact chemistry varies depending on the substances involved. Overall, however, the net result is the same – deterioration of the contact surface of the concrete, physical cracking or delamination, and eventual corrosion of the reinforcement steel.
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Can existing deterioration be arrested?

There’s a chance you are faced with the upkeep of ageing structures which are displaying signs of deterioration.
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If advanced deterioration is already evident, professional assessment should be sought. It is possible to arrest or delay early deterioration and restore service life to the structure.
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Proactive maintenance is vital, to preserve the service life of the concrete.
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Is there a cost-effective answer?

MARKHAM offers penetrating concrete hydrogel treatments, which penetrate deep into the matrix of the concrete, immobilising the moisture and sealing the porosity of the concrete to repel further attacks. And we’re solutions focused – we can develop treatment systems to deal with specific forms of deterioration and specific environmental issues.
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Need our help? Get in touch!


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