Of course, concrete will withstand water exposure. After all, concrete’s innate durability is one of the reasons the material is used so extensively in construction.
This includes concrete exposed to vehicle traffic and contamination, and below-grade structures such as basements.
Markham adding life to concrete
Having said that, we need to remember that concrete is porous, despite the best efforts of industry development, and moisture vapour can enter it.
We’d like to point to the impact of moisture on concrete longevity.
Moisture and moisture vapour carry contaminants – reactive carbon dioxide and monoxide, for example – which encourage premature deterioration of the concrete and the reinforcing steel.
It’s also the means for moisture migrating through the structure via capillary action.
Once early deterioration has commenced, cracking will worsen, providing increased avenues for moisture entrance into the structure.
Markham adding life to concrete
A cycle of deterioration sets in, and the structure’s service life is reduced.
Hence the need for waterproofing treatment. Protecting the concrete is not optional.

Markham adding life to concrete
MARKHAM recommends waterproofing with penetrating hydrogel treatments.
Hydrogel treatments IMMOBILISE moisture. This means moisture doesn’t enter, and moisture doesn’t move around. It also means the existing moisture stays, as a hydrogel, within the matrix of the concrete.
Markham adding life to concrete
Concrete waterproofing hydrogel treatments are ideal for exposed concrete structures, protecting against the demands of the environment and also against contaminants that may be brought by traffic and loads in the course of the structure’s usage. It is also ideal for preventing water ingress in basements, such as when our founder Graham Smith sealed a failed tanking project in the University of Canterbury, Christchurch. That was 1996 – it is still dry today.
Markham adding life to concrete
Markham adding life to concrete
For NEW concrete infrastructure, consider a waterproofing ADMIXTURE, such as CONQOR B50 – protect the concrete from day one!
Markham adding life to concrete
For EXISTING basements, for sealing microcracking and to arrest moisture movement, SPRAY-APPLIED hydrogels can play a vital role.
Markham adding life to concrete
“Do it now!” Get in touch with our friendly team to discuss your concrete infrastructure assets!
Markham adding life to concrete
Or find out how to get the power into your own hands to waterproof concrete structures.