Concrete is a happening thing.

News and views from the world of concrete.

Australian mine site - concrete infrastructure needs protection

Struggling with Short Maintenance Cycles?

Take a look at the bigger picture

Caring for concrete structures in extreme environments? Struggling with short-cycle maintenance? There are certain situations where the maintenance of a concrete structure becomes a significant...

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East Rockingham Waste to Energy Plant | MARKHAM Mining Projects

East Rockingham Waste-to-Energy Plant: Permanent Concrete Protection

A remarkable energy project

The Challenge at East Rockingham The East Rockingham Waste to Energy Plant is a state-of-the-art facility that was designed with durability and protection in mind....

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Civil infrastructure need proactive planned concrete maintenance

Concrete Maintenance – Take Action Now

Enhancing Durability for Highways and Bridges

Concrete Maintenance: the Basics Concrete maintenance for civil infrastructure such as highways and bridges is not only costly but also requires ongoing action to achieve...

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Concrete placement - waiting for concrete to dry

Waiting for concrete to dry?

Concrete drying time is an issue for toppings, impermeable coatings, and floor coverings

There are many situations where concrete slabs and elements must be completely dry throughout before application of further coatings, toppings, or coverings. How long does...

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Central Norseman gold mine - hypersaline water challenges

Hypersaline Water

and its effect on concrete

“Saline”, of course, means salty; and is often used to refer to a solution of salt in water. “Hypersaline” is a technical term referring to...

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Mining concrete infrastructure mine site

Bust the Short Maintenance Spirals

Take a big picture approach

How do short maintenance spirals evolve? There are certain situations where the maintenance of a concrete structure becomes a significant ongoing cost and has to...

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