Of course, concrete will withstand water exposure. After all, concrete’s innate durability is one of the reasons the material is used so extensively in construction....
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Tunnels, Waterproofing, and Closing the Gaps
Concrete isn't the only part of the project that needs waterproofing
It’s an interesting thing – it’s comparatively simple to waterproof concrete itself. What’s not so straightforward is waterproofing air. The air between Specifically, let’s talk...
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What on earth is ‘DEF’?
A hidden threat for concrete precast elements
Don’t you love acronyms? No, us neither. However, they do have some uses, and ‘D.E.F.’ is easier to say (and spell) than Delayed Ettringite Formation....
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What does airport concrete need?
Concrete transport infrastructure deserves some special attention
Airports have a lot of concrete Air transport has bounced back post-COVID and remains a crucial part of freight and resource logistics, and for public...
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Problem Concrete
What goes wrong? and can we fix it?
It’s a dreaded ‘n’ word on any construction site or precast yard … non-conformance! We can’t touch on all the negative possibilities! Human error plays...
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Concrete Rail Infrastructure Needs Protection!
Protection against environmental and operational challenges
Rail transport remains a crucial part of freight and resource logistics, and for public transport. And rail infrastructure includes an impressive amount of concrete. Markham...
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Production Schedules Getting Tighter?
Time saving for civil infrastructure construction
You’ve noticed? Production schedules aren’t slacking off. Seems like we’re all running faster than ever to make up time. Markham saving the world one concrete...
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Curing Precast Concrete?
What could possibly go wrong?
No doubt you know that high-quality curing actually helps concrete last longer. You’re probably very conscious of high-pressure timeframes and stringent budgets. … In many...
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Early Cracking in Precast! Why is it a Problem? Can we Stop it?
And besides , Why does this keep happening?
For Starters, Define Early Cracking Early cracking in concrete, including precast elements, can be defined as developing within the first 7 days after casting or...
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5 Reasons to Use…
...concrete hydrogel treatments for civil infrastructure maintenance
5 reasons to use what? If you’re involved in concrete infrastructure maintenance … If you’re under pressure to meet budget constraints and make repairs cost-effective...
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