- Alex Portelli
- Amanda Slader-Kearns
- Bec Bird
- Belinda Vearer
- Brad Fulcher
- Brendan Stead
- Brian Fear
- Carl Groombridge
- Charles Currie
- Christine Melville
- Clarence Pretorius
- Clint Judd
- Conrad Stead
- Craig Otton
- Doug Hamlin
- Finn Currie
- Georgie Cox
- Giullia Oliveira
- Graham Smith
- Grayson Wright
- Hayden Prestidge
- Henry Mitchell
- Holly Currie
- Holly Ensor
- Ivan Botiuk
- Jaimi Manning
- Javi Otero
- Jodie Gray
- Josh Burton
- Lachie Smith
- Laike Smith
- Lance McNamara
- Lee Renshaw
- Lisa Pomeroy
- Manton Collings
- Mark Cockburn
- Mark Smith
- Melissa Thompson
- Michelle Bennett
- Mitchell Walden
- Nelo Liu
- Nick Jones
- Rebecca Smith
- Robert Martin
- Ross Groombridge
- Russell Gulley
- Simon Mitchell
- Syd Jones
- Venus Flaws
- Wade Lanham
- ‘There’s cracking in that structure!’
- 15 Reasons to Use the CIVIL-TECT System
- 3 projects where AQURON Waterproofing nailed it
- 3 Things Happen to Unprotected Concrete
- 4 Must-Know Concrete Insights for Architects
- 4 Reasons Why Modern Concrete Isn't Lasting As Long
- 4 Reasons Why Your Concrete Isn't Lasting As Long
- 5 Layers of the Value Onion
- 5 Reasons to Use...
- 5 Reasons Why...
- 7 Benefits of AQURON
- 7 Concrete Durability Factors
- A multi-storey car park for Christchurch
- A Point of Difference
- Acid and Effluent Attack!
- Adding Life to Young Concrete?
- Advances - Multi-Benefit Admixture
- Aged care construction: Protect the floor slabs!
- Aged Care for Concrete Floors!
- An old wharf. A challenging environment.
- AQURON 300 Admix for Shotcrete
- Arrest Those Cracks!
- ASR - The Hidden Threat
- Biological Hazards!
- Building for Resilience
- Bust the Short Maintenance Spirals
- Can concrete be the membrane in basement construction?
- Challenges - Concrete Moisture Control
- Challenges: Waterproofing concrete structures?
- Challenges: Waterproofing membrane failure.
- Challenging the Status Quo
- Chloride Attack!
- Choosing the Perfect Concrete Admixture?
- Complete Basement Waterproofing
- Complete Waterproofing...
- Concrete and Agricultural Chemicals
- Concrete Cancer - The Silent Killer!
- Concrete car park floors! Don't you feel sorry for them?
- Concrete Carbonation?
- Concrete curing on Car Parks – a Project Manager’s challenges
- Concrete Curing: Investing Today for a Sustainable Future
- Concrete Floors and Construction Moisture?
- Concrete Hydrogels - Environmental Impact and Sustainability
- Concrete Hydrogels - Their History, Use and Advantages
- Concrete in Hospitals? Does it need an emergency response?
- Concrete Maintenance
- Concrete Moisture Control!
- Concrete Protection - Act Early
- Concrete Rail Infrastructure Needs Protection!
- CONQORing Water Seepage in Concrete
- Conquer Car Park Concrete Contamination!
- Construction Schedules?
- Contamination underfoot? Confront it now!
- Controlling Concrete Dust?
- Cost-effective Maintenance for Car Park Concrete?
- Cracking, Sealing, and Healing
- Curing Concrete is Not Just for Today
- Curing Concrete: starting a long-term investment on the right foot
- Curing for Today and Tomorrow
- Curing Precast Concrete?
- Curing, Sealing, and Paying for Something Twice Over
- Damp Down There?
- Data Centre Floor Slab Protection
- De-Risking Basement Waterproofing
- Death of the Wet Wall Basement?
- Destruction by Neglect
- Did you know...?
- Disrupting the Maintenance Cycle
- Doing nothing? It's not an option!
- Driving Down on Structural Durability
- Durability and Protection for The Rees Hotel
- Durability from Within
- East Rockingham Waste-to-Energy Plant: Permanent Concrete Protection
- EPDs: Benefits to the Construction Industry
- Every Project is Unique
- Fast-Track Construction in the Education Sector
- Finding a Balance
- Floor Slab Protection and Cost Saving?
- For safety's sake ...
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Hazard Alert! Dairy Production, and Acid Attack - a Challenge for Concrete.
- Heat Damages?
- Helping You Fulfil Your Environmental Duty Requirements
- Highways, Bridges, and Caring for Concrete
- How Can We Protect Concrete in Stadiums?
- How Can You Deliver Quality Without Control?
- How does AQURON actually work?
- How will you earn your pair of MARKHAM Swanky Socks?
- Hydrogel Treatments and Galvanic Anodes...
- Hydrogel vs Silane Concrete Treatments
- Hypersaline Water
- Improve workability without losing strength?
- Innovation and the Environment - Concrete Maintenance
- Is moisture disrupting your flooring installation?
- Is moisture disrupting your waterproofing membrane?
- Is Your Concrete Safe from Sulphate Attacks?
- Is your structure at risk of chloride attack?
- Leaking Basement at the University of Canterbury
- Long Live Concrete!
- Low Cover, High Risk
- Maintaining concrete infrastructure?
- Marine Concrete Structures
- MARKHAM - The Untold Story!
- Metro tunnels – How to prevent Concrete Carbonation
- Need to arrest corrosion in concrete reinforcing?
- No Protection is not an option
- Out of the Archives - Rescue at a Napier Wool Store
- Out of the Archives: Otira Viaduct
- Out of the archives: Protecting rural RMS bridges
- Penetrating Protection Against Rebar Corrosion
- Pre-History! Before the MARKHAM days.
- Precast Early Cracking
- Preserve and Protect Exposed Precast Concrete
- Preserving Concrete Water Storage Tanks
- Problem Concrete
- Production Schedules Getting Tighter?
- Protect your marine concrete structures
- Protecting a Podium Deck?
- Protecting Bledisloe Wharf - Auckland NZ
- Protecting Exposed Surfaces?
- Protecting Marine Concrete
- Protecting the Concrete in Car Parks?
- Protecting Vital Water Infrastructure?
- Protection for Exposed Concrete at Swift Storage
- Proven on Millions of Pavers ...
- Quality and Durability at the OJI Fibre Solutions Warehouse
- Rejuvenating a Factory Floor?
- Rejuvenating a Warehouse Floor?
- Resilience Needed
- Resist Attacks!
- Retail floors: Strong protection for the concrete
- Roe Highway Logistics Park: Sustainable Floor Sealing Solutions
- Safe Concrete Treatments for Water Infrastructure
- Sealing a Ceiling?
- Self-Destruction While You Wait
- Shriieek! Screeech!
- Silica. Silicosis. Siliconfusion.
- Simply Cracking!
- Something we don't do
- Special Needs - Concrete Bridges
- Special Needs - Marine Structures
- Stop Concrete suffering from Low Cover
- Stop Water with CONQOR Waterstop!
- Struggling with Short Maintenance Cycles?
- Summer Curing
- Sunset Views Manor: Hygiene and Moisture Control
- Superior sustainable waterproofing admixture!
- Sustainability and Concrete
- Sustainability and Concrete
- Sustainability for Concrete Marine Structures?
- Sustainable Concrete Waterproofing
- The Basement Challenge - waterproofing
- The Challenge of Remote Locations
- The Life and Times of Marine Concrete
- The Limitations of Australian Standard 3799
- The Permanency of Hydrogel Treatment
- The Special Needs of Wind Farm Concrete!
- There's nothing going on...
- Thermal Curing Protection - in the heat!
- Thermal Curing Protection!
- Today's heat - tomorrow's deterioration?
- Tomorrow’s pain points killed today
- Trashing the Environment...
- Truly, madly, deeply hard floor slabs?
- Tunnels, Waterproofing, and Closing the Gaps
- Underfoot and Protected at IBEX Lighting Tauranga
- Understanding pH Levels in Concrete for Floor Covering Success
- Using MARKHAM's BIM files?
- VIDEO: Concrete Moisture and Floor Covering Issues
- VIDEO: Dam Concrete
- VIDEO: Dam Concrete - How Did They Build The Hoover Dam?
- VIDEO: Fast Response Quotations!
- VIDEO: Hoover Dam Concrete Analysis!
- VIDEO: How Can We Offer Quality Assurances?
- VIDEO: NZS 3101 and the Dangers of Micro Cracking
- Waiting for concrete to dry?
- Warehouse Floor Slabs Need Deep Protection
- Waterproofing at Auckland Zoo - Client Testimonial
- Waterproofing Carpark Decks?
- Waterproofing Civil Concrete Infrastructure?
- Waterproofing Concrete Roof Decks...
- Waterproofing concrete wharf decks...
- Waterproofing the Air?
- Waterproofing with Benefits
- We want traffic jams in concrete!
- We. Don’t. Do. Crystalline.
- We're here to help essential agriculture!
- What does airport concrete need?
- What on earth is ‘DEF’?
- What’s The Difference Between Dam Concrete and Residential Concrete?
- Who said concrete doesn't need protecting?
- Who said concrete floors don't need protecting?
- Why are you using chlorinated rubber?
- Why is Impermeability Significant for Concrete?
- Why Protect New Concrete?
- Why waterproof concrete infrastructure?
- Wrap It Into One!
- 100 Liverpool Street: Preserving Outstanding Aesthetics
- 111 Mary Street Car Park: Down in the Basement
- 114 Flinders St Car Park: Extending Upwards
- 22 Bishopsgate Facade Columns - prestigious protection
- 8 Hepburn, Doncaster: car park protection
- A95 Spey Bridge: preserving a heritage structure
- AB Agri Tanks: health for agricultural structures
- ABB Assembly Plant: proactive floor protection
- Aberdeen Harbour Tank Base
- Accolade Park Wind Turbine
- Alba Apartments
- Albany Stadium Pool
- Albemarle Lithium Processing Plant, Kemerton: Concrete Protection
- Alton Apartments
- Anglian Water, Corton Dome
- Anna Meares Velodrome
- Atria Apartments
- Auckland City Footpath
- Ausgrid Artarmon Depot, NSW
- Austin Apartments
- Barangaroo Ferry Hub
- Barwon Water HQ
- Batemans Bay Replacement Bridge
- Beach Hotel - Gold Coast
- Belmont Shooting Centre
- Best Bars - Wiri
- BHP Kalgoorlie Concentrator Shed
- Birkenhead Wharf - Auckland
- Bledisloe Wharf - Port of Auckland
- Bluecross Aged Care - Waterdale
- Blues Headquarters - Auckland
- Blunt Quay - Port of Nelson
- Boxer Hill Golf Club
- Brickworks Apartments - Hobsonville Point
- Brisbane Airport Link Overpass
- Brisbane Northern Busway
- Brisbane Port Beams
- Britomart Car Park, Auckland
- Broadmeadows Central car park: Strength from Day One
- Brother Warehouse Tauriko
- Bum Bum Creek Bridge
- Bundaberg Swimming Pools
- Bupa Cashmere Resthome
- Bupa Ilam Resthome
- Buranda TOD (Buildings 2 & 3)
- Cairns RoadTek
- Canopy Apartments
- Carapateena Mine: Robust Protection in a Challenging Environment
- Carey Grammar School
- Centenary Bridge, Cairns
- Charleyong Bridge Headstocks
- Charlie Parker Development
- Cheltenham Car Park
- Chemical Tank Walls
- Chermside Library Basement Car Park: Protection for a Busy Community Hub
- Chloe Residences, Box Hill
- Chorley Water Treatment Works: Enhance the Lifespan of Tank Bases
- CHT Highfield Home & Hospital
- Church Road Winery
- Cider Building - Ponsonby
- Clean Water Storage Tank - Oban North Water Treatment Works
- Coles - Brighton
- Coles - Richmond
- Coles - Zetland
- Commercial Bay Tower
- Commonwealth Games Village
- Concrete drainage culverts in Zillmere
- Contract Logistics - Auckland
- Coorparoo Square Apartments
- Copper Crest Retirement Village
- Coronation Dr Stormwater Pit
- Costco Ringwood
- Countdown - Bethlehem
- Countdown - Waiheke Island
- CourierPost - Whangarei
- Cronulla Seawall
- Cubro Tauriko
- DAF Tank - Invercannie Water Treatment Works
- Dallas Fort Worth International Airport
- Datacom Facilities - Wynyard Quarter
- Deakin University
- Dee Why PCYC Car Park: Permanent Protection
- Dive HQ
- Dublin Port Berth 34
- Dudley Tesco Extra, service yard: Service Life Rescued
- Dunedin Reservoir
- East Arm Wharf
- East Rockingham Waste to Energy Plant
- Eastland Port
- Eden Office - Auckland
- Embracia Aged Care - Avondale
- Empire Melbourne
- Exposed Bridge Headstocks - Flinders Link Viaduct
- Ezibuy Clothing Distribution Centre
- Farmer Cutter & Swan Apartments
- Farmers - Rangiora
- Farmers Sylvia Park
- Farmers Westgate Town Centre
- Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
- Five Mile Queenstown
- Fonterra Head Office
- Frankley Water Treatment Works
- Frankston Hospital Car Park
- Friarton Bridge Edge Beam
- Gateway Plaza - Leopold
- Geraldton Wharf Berth - Midwest Port Authority
- Gisborne Police Station
- Glebe Island Wharf 1 - Sydney Ports
- Glencore Murrin Murrin: Protect Against Harsh Conditions
- Glengara Care Apartments
- Gold Coast Isuzu
- Gordon Dam Intake Tower
- Gosford Hospital Car Park
- Gosport St culverts, Brisbane
- Gracemere Overpass
- Green Street Car Park - Jersey
- Grey Lynn Fire Station
- Gunsite Sea Defence Extension
- Harwood Bridge River Crossing
- Helsby Water Treatment Works - Caustic Tank Bund
- High Street Bridge - Rockhampton, QLD
- Hobsonville Point Primary School
- Hobsonville Point Secondary School
- Horsley Connection 20 Chamber
- Iarnan Dam
- IBEX Lighting, Tauranga: Excellent Outcomes on Multiple Floor Types
- Infinite Care Cornubia
- Ingham Flood Bridge (Vic Sivyer Bridge)
- International Airport Baggage Claim
- Invercannie Water Treatment Works
- Invercannie WTW Clean Water Tank
- Isaac Theatre, Christchurch
- Jellicoe Wharf - Ports of Auckland
- Jewel Apartments
- Joll Road
- Joll Road Development
- Kambalda BHP Nickel Smelter
- Kerridge Service Reservoir
- Kings Langley Residential Aged Care Facility, NSW
- Kingsford Quay - Port of Nelson
- Kingsford Smith Drive Development
- Kmart Bethlehem
- Lamborghini Showroom
- Leederville Square Car Park
- Legacy Way
- Legoland - Chadstone
- Len Lye Centre
- Lichfield Car Park, Christchurch
- Lismore Hospital Car Park
- Luton Airport Terminal 2 Car Park
- Mainfreight Dandenong South, VIC
- Majestic Grow Facility
- Manfield Sports Refurb
- Manukau Harbour Pylons
- Mason Bros - Wynyard Quarter
- MAST Jetties: Stunning Scenery was a Bonus!
- Maureen Plowman Rest Home
- Mayflower Aged Care
- Mayflower Water Treatment Works
- MediaPoint
- Medical Sciences Bunker - University of Birmingham
- Melbourne Airport Multilevel Car Park
- Melbourne Water Treatment Works
- Memorial - Sir John Monash Centre
- Milfos Factory
- MINI Car Showroom
- Monash Medical Centre Car Park
- Moorfields Eye Clinic
- Mount Ida Lithium Processing Plant
- Mount Isa City Council Reservoir
- Murra Warra Wind Farm
- MY80 - Melbourne
- Nambucca River Bridge Upgrade
- Napier City Council Waste Water Treatment Plant
- Napier Wool Store
- National Fire Service Training Facility
- Ness Energy Plant
- New South Wales Wind Farms
- New Windsor Bridge | Windsor Bridge replacement
- New World - Opotiki
- New World - Papakura
- New World - Waiuku
- Newcrest Mining development
- Newton St Off-Ramp
- Ngāi Tahu Seafoods - Bluff
- Noel Leeming - Gisborne
- Nord Apartments
- Norfolk Island Wharf
- North Apartments
- Northern Beaches Hospital
- NZDF Calliope South Wharf
- Oakura Culvert - Taranaki
- Ocean Estate Basement Car Park, London
- OJI Fibre Solutions, Christchurch
- ONLY Flemington Apartments
- Opal Aged Care Fernleigh
- Otira Viaduct - Arthur's Pass
- Overflow Chamber - Invercannie Water Treatment Works
- Pak'nSAVE The Crossing
- Pak'nSAVE - Takanini
- Pak'nSAVE Supermarket - Massey
- Pak'nSAVE Supermarket - Silverdale
- Pak'nSAVE Supermarket Basement
- Papamoa College
- Parkhaven Apartments
- Penmon Filter Tanks
- Perth Concert Hall: Effectively Protect Precast Concrete
- Peterborough Hospital Car Park: Emergency Treatment Needed!
- Pilbara Port Authority Port Hedland Salt Berth
- Pilbara Port Authority UTAH Wharf Deck
- Plymouth Central Sewage Treatment Works
- Port Alma Wharf
- Port of Napier Wharves
- Portal House
- Portrait Carnegie
- Ports of Auckland Bledisloe Car Park
- Primrose Apartments, Box Hill
- Project Gemini Data Centre
- Prologis DIRFT3 Multi-Storey Car Park
- Prom Country Aged Care
- Pukete Fire Station
- Pure Apartments - Queensland
- PWC Building
- Quad 7 Offices Auckland Airport
- QUT Sportsfield Car Park: Innovative and Practical
- Rivello Apartments
- RMS Bridges - Regional NSW
- Rockhampton Hospital Car Park: Protection Up and Down
- Roe Logistics Park
- Rooty Hill RSL Car Park: Protection from the Outset
- Rosewood Aged Care
- Royal North Shore Hospital Car Park Building, NSW
- Rush Wall Wind Turbine Bases
- Ruskin Dam Electricity Room
- Ryman Charles Upham Resthome
- Ryman Princess Alexandra Village
- Ryman Resthome - Gisborne
- Ryman Resthome Aidanfield
- Ryman Resthome Beckingham
- Ryman Resthome Bethlehem
- Ryman Resthome Birkenhead
- Ryman Resthome Howick
- Ryman Resthome Petone
- Ryman Resthome Waikanae
- Ryman Resthome, Ellerslie
- Ryman Resthome, New Plymouth
- Ryman Resthome, Pukekohe
- Sandvik Mining, Perth
- Sandy Loch RGF
- Satori Residential Development
- Savages Crossing
- SEA LIFE Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium, Auckland: Protect the Shark Tanks from Attack!
- Sea Palmbeach Development
- Silverdale Medical & Surgical Centre
- Silverdale Retail Centre
- Silverdale Town Centre
- Silverstream Kaiapoi
- Sims Distributing Tauriko
- Sir Joseph McAvoy Bridge, Innisfail: Flood Protection
- Sisters of Nazareth Resthome
- Six Wharves
- Sky Residences Newcastle
- South Johnstone Sugar Mill
- South Otago High School
- Southport Sharks Hotel
- Spanish Residential Gardens
- Splitters Creek bridge - Rockhampton, QLD
- Spotlight Moorhouse
- SSC Thornton Park
- St Francis School
- St Kilda's Childcare
- St Margarets School
- St Mark's Apartments
- St Mary's College
- Steel & Tube Warehouse Hamilton
- STK Apartments - St Kilda
- Stockland Green Hills car park, NSW
- Storage Tank Base
- Summerhill Shopping Centre
- Sunset Views Manor Aged Care, Tarneit
- Sunshine Coast Bridges, QLD
- Sunshine Mitre10
- Supernatent Tank - Invercannie Water Treatment Works
- Swanston Square Apartments
- Swift Storage - Bundaberg
- Synlait Dunsandel
- Synlait Pōkeno
- Tamworth Eastpoint
- Tao Home Apartments
- Tarawera High School
- Tasman Mill
- Tasports Bell Bay Wharf
- Te Aroha Events Centre
- Te Awa Basement Car Park
- TE Connectivity
- Tesco Service Yard - Chesterfield
- Tesco Service Yard - Crewe
- Tesco Service Yard - Fareham
- Tesco Service Yard - Galashiels: Repair Works
- Tetra Pak Warehouse
- The Cathedral Grammar School
- The Gentry Development
- The Harold Park Tramsheds
- The Nepean Hospital Car Park
- The Piano
- The Plaza Car Park
- The Ponds Aged Care Facility
- The Rees Hotel, Queenstown
- The South Road Superway (Urban Superway)
- The Warehouse - Rangiora
- The Warehouse - Sylvia Park
- The Warehouse - Tauranga Crossing
- The Warehouse Distribution Centre - Facing the Demands of Time!
- The Warehouse Gisborne
- The Warehouse Silverdale
- The Warehouse Te Rapa
- The Whitianga Wharf
- Tiritiri Matangi Island Wharf
- Tolaga Bay Wharf
- Toowoomba City Library
- Tottiford Water Treatment Works
- Townsville Access Bridge Beams
- TRG Takapuna
- Tui Garden Products
- Turners Auction House
- University of Canterbury Maths & Science Basement
- Vancouver Car Park
- Villa Car Park, Christchurch
- Waikato Hospital
- Waimea Dam
- Wanaka Sports Centre
- Warehouse Stationery - Gisborne
- Waterview Tunnel
- Wesley Care Resthome
- West Rolleston Primary School
- Westfield Albany Shopping Mall
- Westfield Mall Chartwell
- Westfield Mall Queensgate
- Westfield Mall Riccarton
- Westfield Mall St Lukes
- Westlake Boys Gym
- Wharekahika School Gym
- White Rock Wind Farm
- Wigram Airforce Museum
- Wigram Town Centre
- Wilpshire Water Treatment Works
- Wintec Car Park
- Wollstonecraft Jetty
- Woodmansterne Water Treatment Works: Stop the Leak
- Wooler Contact Tank
- Woolooware Shores
- Woolworths - Wynnum
- Woolworths Aspley
- Woolworths Cornubia
- Woolworths Estate One
- Woolworths Fairy Meadow
- Woolworths Ormeau
- Woolworths Portarlington
- Woolworths Selandra Rise
- Woolworths Warralily
- Woolworths Wodonga
- Yashili Dryer
- Yeppen South Floodplain Bridge, QLD
- Zealandia Nurseries - Clevedon
- Zealong Tea
- Zest Apartments - Queensland
News Tags
- Aged Care
- Agriculture
- Anti-dusting
- AQURON 1000
- AQURON 1200
- AQURON 2000
- AQURON 300
- AQURON 7000
- AS3799
- Asset Management
- Basement
- BIM Revit Archicad
- Biological
- Bridges
- Car Park
- Carbonation
- Chloride Attack
- Civil Infrastructure
- Concrete Admixture
- Concrete Ceiling
- Concrete Curing
- Concrete Deterioration
- Concrete Durability
- Concrete Floor
- Concrete Impermeability
- Concrete Moisture Control
- Concrete Protection
- Concrete Remediation
- Concrete Sealing
- Concrete Waterproofing
- Concrete Workability
- Construction
- Contaminants
- Corrosion
- Crack Sealing
- Curing Blanket
- Dam
- Data Centre
- Education
- Environment
- Exposed Slab
- Factory
- Floor Covering
- Healthcare
- Hydrogel
- Infrastructure
- Laboratory
- Low Cover
- Maintenance
- Marine Structures
- Paveset
- Precast
- Rail
- Retail
- Shotcrete
- Shrinkage Cracking
- Sports Flooring
- Sustainability
- Warehouse
- Water Storage
- Waterstop
- Wind Farm
- Hospital
- Soffit
- Sulphate
- silica
- silicosis
- colloidal
- crystalline
- Architect
- Mining
- Safety
- Project
- Flooring
- pH
- quality control